Camo lingerie. Why so?
If you're a guy, and your wife doesn't hunt like Mrs. K-Rod, you're simply buying your wife something for YOUR hobby. Tacky. Why don't you get her something more romantic, like a cordless drill or a sump pump, instead? (yes, all lingerie is really for the husband, not the wife, but please.....)
If you're a gal, it's still a bad idea. Well done lingerie works by accentuating the pattern (the woman's body), while camoflage works by breaking up the pattern. Instead of driving your husband to fulfill is 1 Corinthians 7 responsibilities to you, he might never know you're there.
That noted, if you're living in sin or fornicating, I highly recommend camo lingerie for you for exactly the same reasons. :^)
Bob Richardson
A years and a half ago, in a series of pieces I wrote about people who had
huge impacts on my life, I devoted a story to Bob Richardson. Bob owned
KEYJ, my...
19 hours ago
i know what yer saying, but...
some average lookers come off darn near cute when they're in camo.
dont know why.
Well, drawing attention away from the pattern....and I won't ask how you know how so many average looking ladies look "darn near cut" in camo lingerie.....
Sure, camo lingerie would look fine on the Lovely Mrs K-Rod (LMR), but it has little practical use since she has never been able to wear lingerie for very long, if ya know what I mean. ;^)
Good point; if indeed the husband's body belongs to the wife, as Paul says, it should be a disgrace for a woman to "need" to wear lingerie to get him to do his duty.
Biblical marriage SO beats the tar out of anything that the editors of "Cosmo" and such magazines can come up with.
I'm always 'up' for my responsibilities.
I mean, it's 'hard' to even imagine not performing my duty for my wife.
And when I was courting her, well, she could tell that I was 'stiff' competition that wouldn't go soft in the long run... but do whatever it takes... 'til death do us part...
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