Sad news from Orlando; evidently Shamu has remembered he's a predator, and that was not good news for his trainer. Mental note to self; don't dress up like a seal and play around with killer whales. They might have that name for a reason.
Mental note #2; maybe predators are, you know, predators. Nah.....
Update: this is apparently the third human death linked to this particular animal, including the second death of a trainer. There are also, apparently, a number of other incidents related to this particular exhibit. I do not envy the lawyers for Sea World at this particular moment, to put it gently.
Bob Richardson
A years and a half ago, in a series of pieces I wrote about people who had
huge impacts on my life, I devoted a story to Bob Richardson. Bob owned
KEYJ, my...
18 hours ago
WHAT THE #@*#@(@?
(Note to sensitive readers: I grew up in a mostly swearing-free environment, so when I type #@*#@(@, I mean #@*#@(@, for which you are to imagine incoherent sputtering.)
How on earth could anyone, with or without legal counsel, countenance allowing an animal with a history of human death to continue non-essential interaction with humans, IN FRONT OF AUDIENCES FOR MONEY???? What in the world was WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?
gotta remember, at least one of these deaths occured in Canada, where they dont treat killers as harshly as we do here.
the likely reformed the big fish, and sent him back into society.
they no idea he would attack again.
Pentamom; I had no idea you could accuse these people of having **** for brains, as my track coach would say if we ran in the middle of the road. :^)
Gino: :^)
How did he pronounce it? "Stars?" I usually use Yosemite Sam expressions myself. "Racka-frata-rizza-frittin'..."
Try as you might, I don't think that you're going to make any sailors or truck drivers blush, sister.
Oh, maybe by the other method -- embarrassing them by catching them being uncouth in the presence of an evidently modest lady. Or at least, so I can hope. ;-)
But you've not told me how your coach pronounced "****." I really do want to know!
I read an article today from a typical PETA nutcase type apologist who said the whale was probably just playing, and didn't realize the trainer couldn't last underwater for 15-20 minutes. She went on to say that just like killer whales, sharks don't attack humans, they attack what they think are seals or walruses, who just happen to be humans.
Well what the hell!!! It doesn't matter that they don't premeditate killing a human. They're predators who will eat anything that happens to be splashing around in their world.
I'm thankful I live in MN. The only thing I need to worry about is that the local ganf of jihadist squirrels will get together and gang tackle me to get the suet and sunflower seeds I put out for the birds.
when that happens, KD, i'd love to be there. :)
I'll take pictures.
Pentamom, I don't want to teach you new words. Suffice it to say "Shinola."
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