...of climate change critics is United Nations IPCC chief Rajendra Pachauri. How so?
Easy. Instead of responding to legitimate criticism about the tendency of IPCC contributors to indimidate the process of peer review, fudge data, and use poor statistical methods, he resorts to personal attacks and reference to a nonexistent conspiracy to silence the IPCC.
In other words, the economist (not trained as one, but rather as an engineer) who heads the IPCC reveals that he is not only incompetent in the area of climatology, but also in basic informal logic. If only logic were taught at the schools he attended, he might not have made himself look incredibly stupid in the eyes of all those who understand it.
And, of course, the world wouldn't be looking down the two barrels of trillion-dollar carbon taxes the IPCC has been pushing for a decade. This would indicate that he may be competent in hockey, however.
Yes, hockey. A huge carbon tax and global governance demonstrates also his ignorance of sound economics, which combined with his incompetence in logic and climatology amounts to a hat trick!
Hat trick of incompetence, at least.
Bob Richardson
A years and a half ago, in a series of pieces I wrote about people who had
huge impacts on my life, I devoted a story to Bob Richardson. Bob owned
KEYJ, my...
18 hours ago
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