....and not in a good way. Believing, apparently, that the reason some people don't have a job is because other people do, Dennis Kucinich is apparently pushing a plan to allow 60 year olds obtain retirement benefits as if they were 62. Now as tempting as that might be (especially on a rough work day) to friends of mine like Jim, Kucinich is unfortunately pursuing the same methods that Hoover and FDR used to create and sustain the Depression.
Specifically, as he encourages people to drop out of the work force, he's pushing the nation towards higher debt (they won't be paying income tax on income not earned) and lower productivity--in other words, greater real poverty.
Yet another example of how Democrats (and politicians in general) need to come up to speed on Bastiat and "that which is not seen." People aren't out of work because their neighbor is working, but rather working because their neighbor has earned something he can spend.
Bob Richardson
A years and a half ago, in a series of pieces I wrote about people who had
huge impacts on my life, I devoted a story to Bob Richardson. Bob owned
KEYJ, my...
18 hours ago
you know that kucinich has seen UFO's, dont you?
are you surprised?
Yup. The early retirement idea is, alas, one of Kucinich's more coherent ideas.
Yes, 'flat-out-wrong' is the best Kucinich has ever done; he has some really nutty ideas.
but ya know what?
i like him. i like his interviews. i trust him to do what he says.
not that i agree with it, i just trust that he's for real.
an extreme rarity in politics.
I don't know about other places, but where I work it is the senior people who are bringing in the work that helps support the more junior people. A large number of them have been retiring lately, and it has been a terrible thing for us.
And it's the older guys ya talk to when you need to figure out how something REALLY works. Yeesh. Well said, Daniel.
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