I've noticed over the years that very often, the most enthusiastic customers of family-oriented ministries like Vision Forum are women--that the husbands in the family are just "along for the ride." In this, it seems that.....ironically the end result of a ministry with the stated desire of reestablishing patriarchal families is often creating.....matriarchal families that feminists only dream of--except that the matriarchs think they're building up their patriarchs. Somehow it seems that there really isn't much out there that really reaches the hearts of men in a meaningful way.
(if my readers have evidence to the contrary, that would be greatly appreciated)
Also, a political thought; if I listen to the left, the people are not competent to select their own medical insurance, educate their own children, provide for their own retirement, protect themselves, and a host of other things free people do routinely. Somehow these same people, however, think that the most infantilized people are somehow qualified to vote--for people who will make choices regarding insurance, education, retirement, safety, and that same host of other things.
(reason # 4, 324, 897 that I am not a liberal)
Odds & Ends: March 28, 2025
The Plaza Cafe, Santa Fe, NM. Our family went to Santa Fe, NM to do some
skiing/snowboarding over spring break, and the real highlight of the trip
22 hours ago