Monday, December 06, 2010

How to be a better Pilgrim

No, not reader Pilgrim, but the Separatists who came from England to Plymouth, Massachusetts back in 1620.  Yes, this is later than Thanksgiving, but it's worth noting one big reason the Pilgrims landed in cold Taxachusetts instead of much warmer Virginia; they were running out of beer.  Along the same lines, the first words of Squanto to the Pilgrims were, it is said, "Do you have any beer?"

However, these days, far too many people think this kind of brew (kindly reviewed by Saint Paul of Fraters Inebritas) qualifies as the "liquid bread" enjoyed by the Pilgrims, and they not surprisingly enjoy what can only qualify as....a little bit more than the Scriptures (say Ephesians 5:18 and elsewhere) would allow.

So what does one do?  Ironically, to be safely like the militantly anti-Catholic Pilgrims, one might do well to consult the beer ratings of the very Catholic Chad the Elder.  The reason is simple; Chad's rating system favors flavorful, well-hopped (somewhat bitter) brews, the kind where drinkers can be satisfied with just one or two.  They're not "drunken man" brews at all.  Kudos to Chad for his good work in helping recover authentic fundamentalism, as ironic as it might seem.


Pilgrim said...

Your linkage must have crashed their server. What power you wield!

Bike Bubba said...

That's the power of authentic fundamentalism, brother!

Actually, try again at another time if you're desiring to enjoy your freedom in Christ that way. Fraters goes out for whatever reason from time to time.