In my opinion, Paul Greenberg hits another one out of the park with this one about the similarities between bars, churches, coffee houses, and more. There are any number of preachers who might do well to learn human nature as a bartender or barrista, and any number of bartenders and barristas who might do well to minister something even more spiritual than a triple espresso.
His exegesis of the New Testament is also delightful--many pastors would do very well to begin to understand the depth and breadth of the Word in such a way as this journalist does.
Odds & Ends: February 21, 2025
In a Test of Adult Know-How, America Comes Up Short. A sobering new study
reveals that American workers are falling behind their international peers
in b...
12 hours ago
Our pastor has often mentioned a desire for one or two of our men to have a bar ministry where they would simply sit in a local bar and get to know the people there, chatting with them, listening to them and ministering to them as the opportunity arose. (He has a similar vision for women in the church to go into the strip clubs to befriend the dancers, helping with childcare; again meeting people where they are and where they need help.) This thinking is why he now has his "office" at a couple of the local coffee shops each day, rather than in the church.
Post on how it turns out if it gets started, if you'd be so kind. I'm wondering if not only will people have a greater heart for and ability to reach the lost, but also whether their "people skills" improve, as Greenberg suggests.
A former pastor of mine also has a thing for coffee....see
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