...was made after a long time in thinking about the issues. On one side, I liked Ron Paul's principled "Dr. No" conservatism, but was taken aback at his failure to seriously realize that the struggle against radical Islam is not a new phenomenon; it dates back 1400 years to the time of Mohammed. McCain was never a real choice (though I'd certainly support him over Hillebeast or Obama) due to his authority of the McCain-Lenin-Feingold Campaign Finance Deform law--never mind his collaboration to prevent conservative jurists from getting to the bench and his support of stem cell research.
Even Mike Huckabee was problematic; I love his support of a consumption based tax because it creates far better incentives than the income tax, but his support of a workplace smoking ban troubled me. Even so, he "gets" the current international situation in a way that none of his competitors do.
Then, Rev. Huckabee sealed the deal for me by admitting that he's fried a squirrel in a popcorn popper, and for admitting that it really doesn't taste like chicken. Let's face facts, folks; if he can admit this, what chance does anyone in the world have of blackmailing him? Plus, he's dealt with one of the worst terroristic threats known to man; that is, Jihadi Squirrels.
Vote Huckabee. Let's put Brunswick Stew in every pot!
Odds & Ends: February 21, 2025
In a Test of Adult Know-How, America Comes Up Short. A sobering new study
reveals that American workers are falling behind their international peers
in b...
3 hours ago
And don't forget to donate!
He's gotten where he is today in large part (I'm sure!) due to the several $20 donations that I've given over the last several months. ;^)
There may be a number of reasons not to vote for Huckabee, but his consumption of fried squirrel isn't one of them.
Fried squirrel + Chuck Norris' support = the vote of this particular disenfranchised Pennsylvanian.
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