Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Say what?

President Caesar Obama is wondering why gun rights groups are "ginning up fear".  Apparently, he's forgotten his promise to reinstate the "assault weapons" ban (is there a "peace and love weapon" out there for comparison?), his vote against the right of armed self-defense in 2004, his statement in favor of comprehensive gun bans in 2007 (?), his promise to ban high capacity magazines, his stonewalling of investigations into the "Fast and Furious" debacle that left hundreds of Mexicans dead, and his promise to ignore Article 1 of the Constitution and institute his plans via executive order.

Nah, it's not like we have an out of control executive whose pledge to uphold the Constitution ends with the first sentence of Article 1.  Except, of course, that we do, and history teaches us a few things about nations headed by the lawless, none of them good.

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