Driving through Montgomery, a sign at a liquor store read "reserve your keg for Kolacky Days." Now Kolacky Days is a festival in honor of the Czech pastry, of which there are at least two major variants. The local variant is a sweet yeast dough with fruit preserves or poppyseed paste rolled into it in the same way a crescent roll is rolled; the other is butter and cream cheese pastry with the same, similar to Hamantaschen.
However, I can think of no case where the taste of these delectable pastries would be enhanced by large amounts of "Bug Light" or other cheap american beer. While certainly a mug of Pilsner Urquell or Budvar (the original, real, Budweiser) can go well with a Czech dinner, coffee would probably be the better choice for a few kolacke.
(kolack or kolacek is singular, kolache is plural, they taste so good you won't need to use the singular form very often, if you catch my drift)
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9 hours ago
1 comment:
But it sounds like Kolacky Days isn't about sitting around and eating Kolacky; it's a cultural festival and an excuse to party that puts the pastries as the centerpiece. It's like Labor Day -- passing out ballots and holding union meetings is not the primary way in which people celebrate, though it might form a part of some people's activities and it is the original basis for having a holiday. Nobody complains about Labor Day beer sales because you can't drink at work.
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