News around here: the flight attendants' union for former Northwest flight attendants has lodged a complaint against Delta because the new uniforms only go up to a size 18--the old Northwest uniforms evidently went up to a size 28. Now I'm not one who would insist that there ought to be a size limit of size 6 and a weight limit of 95 pounds or anything, but isn't there a point where those extra pounds do, um, affect how they're able to do their job?
It's like they think they're Chicago police officers with 25 years on the force. At least when I was growing up, there was one physical exam when a man joined the force, so you could tell how long he'd been on the force simply with a single glance at his rear end.
Also, the same guy who couldn't figure out schedule SE, and himself has admitted that the economic models he was using couldn't predict the economy more than a month into the future, is claiming that the stimulus (oops, "spend-u-more") package is "on the right path."
With all due respect, if Geithner were to give stock tips, I think the contrarians would make a mint, if you catch my drift.
Odds & Ends: February 21, 2025
In a Test of Adult Know-How, America Comes Up Short. A sobering new study
reveals that American workers are falling behind their international peers
in b...
1 day ago
i thought the topic was tight dresses on women.
Maybe jacob was participating in the spirit of the post title?
Who knew a French refugee in Switzerland got around so much?
Jacob's post is almost the dictionary definition of a non-sequitur.
I think he was building from a few posts about Calvin on the Bayly Brothers weblog that I link to. Just got confused.
I was anticipating being flayed alive (rhetorically speaking at least) for talking about the possibility that someone could indeed be too fat to do a job well. I guess I lost that one. :^)
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