What plan, you ask? Barack Obama's plan to repeal the 13th Amendment, of course.
One would think that the current President, or at least his wife, would have enough historical memory to put the kibosh on this one, but apparently not.
And a further assault on the Constitution; Congress is evidently trying to put a targeted tax hike on financial people earning more than a specific amount in order to get $165 million back from AIG executives. Apparently they never learned about the phrases "bill of attainder" and "ex post facto" law in their social studies classes.
Chicago delenda est!
(at least the political machine there)
Odds & Ends: February 21, 2025
In a Test of Adult Know-How, America Comes Up Short. A sobering new study
reveals that American workers are falling behind their international peers
in b...
3 hours ago
The national volunteer army isn't a strategy to stimulate volunteerism so much as it is a way to bring all volunteer effors under the control and indoctrination of the federal government. Do you like to volunteer your time in local prison ministries, or in taking mission trips overseas, bringing the light of the gospel into darkness? I don't believe that will be allowed or considered appropriate under this plan. And please explain to me how you have a mandatory volunteer effort?
Two Ivy League degrees, and apparently not a single dictionary in his house, huh?
Good point on what the enslaver-in-chief is wanting to do to volunteerism.
"Apparently they never learned about the phrases "bill of attainder" and "ex post facto" law in their social studies classes."
I hate to say it (and unlike most uses of that expression, I do mean it) but you're probably giving them to much credit by assuming they're uninformed.
:^) I'm simply trying to apply the dictum "never assume malice when stupidity is a sufficient explanation", but you (and NW as well) may well be correct that it is indeed not sufficient.
Unbelievable and scary. People struggling to make ends meet don't have time for community service. Unbelievable.
Bert, is Obama really going to demand community service from all Americans, and how soon?
Answer: it's consistently in his speeches and campaign materials, but he hasn't answered when he's going to try.
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