Yes, it's a moral outrage that Barack Hussein Blagojevich (oops, Obama) is subverting the Bush refusal to allow federal money to be used for the creation of "new fetal stem cell lines" for research. What got me this morning, though, is the "stellar" record of that research; not only are there no treatments, there are no promising lines of research. In other words, not only is he flipping the bird at the majority of Americans who are morally troubled by abortion, he's also doing so in a way that shows he loves to throw our money down the toilet.
Of course, we probably could have guessed this when he put wagyu beef on the White House menu during a recession. Even more significant than what this costs the taxpayer is what he's doing to his daughters; the lesson is being absorbed that life is all about eating thousand dollar dinners every night. Life outside of the White House is going to be a nasty surprise for this family.
Odds & Ends: February 21, 2025
In a Test of Adult Know-How, America Comes Up Short. A sobering new study
reveals that American workers are falling behind their international peers
in b...
3 hours ago
I can't even stand thinking about Obama. That's a cop-out, I know.
Okay, I totally, totally agree that throwing parties night after night and eating lavishly it not only lousy PR in this environment, it's irresponsible use of what they've been put in charge of.
But having said that, whoever wrote that article is way too impressed by menu language:
"Celery Soup, Wild Mushroom Crisps, Steelhead Salmon with Citrus sauce, Crispy Spinach, Toasted Saffron Couscous Pearls, Baby Iceberg lettuce with Maytag Bleu Cheese and Yogurt ranch dressing and for dessert, Milk Chocolate velvet cake"
Celery soup, fish, spinach, couscous, iceberg salad with dressing and chocolate cake is extravagant? It's fancier than my family eats on an ordinary night, but it's what I'd expect of any fairly "ordinary" upscale family. Couscous is not luxury food (it's actually extremely cheap), nor is chocolate cake. It's not like they're feasting on prime rib and tiramisu every night -- or at least, that excerpt doesn't indicate extravagance.
And I didn't see any reference to wagyu beef in the article, though I Googled it and if they are serving that, yeah, point made. So I'm not arguing with you, I'm just wondering why the reporter chose a non-illustrative example to make his point.
BTW, around here steelhead salmon is something immigrants and aging depression babies catch where the creek runs into Lake Erie, to feed themselves on a Monday night. My beef here (pun intended) is with the guy who thinks that a lot of menu adjectives make the food fancy. He probably buys the hype of the Denny's commercials, too. (I confess that I don't know what Maytag Bleu cheese is and it might be rather extravagant, but that's pretty much the only thing on that list that even COULD be.)
a man with his record of respecting life would never surprise me.
Pentamom; right. What caught my eye is "wagyu beef", and complaining that he's too tired to properly host Britain's prime minister after staying up into the wee hours at a White House soiree. I realize you can't serve ramen to big political guys, but a touch of restraint would go a long way.
On the bright side, the next election could be great for "roll tape" commercials. "While you were in the unemployment line, Barack Hussein Blagojevich was treating himself to wagyu beef in the wee hours of the morning on the taxpayers' dime."
the president has to pay for all meals served in the white house. whatever he serves his family and casual guests, its on his dime.
the govt only picks up the tab for state dinners.
Not sure what you mean when you say life outside the white house is going to be nasty surprise for this family. Forgive me if I'm missing something here. This 1st family like every other 1st family will thrive after the white house. Clinton just got a deal for 20 million for his memoirs. When a Senator loses an election, then the big money really pours in as a lobbyist.
guitarman wins.
i ave yet to see a former politicain go to work in a mill and live in a row house.
Yes, but kids whose parents lead lavish lifestyles don't always manage to live at that standard after they leave the nest.
Think Amy Carter and Chelsea Clinton, not their parents, Guitarman. The Obama children will have the million dollar tastes, but not the million dollar income.
And Gino, I have my doubts that Obama is paying for those big soirees out of his own pocket. There is a White House Chef for a reason.
i'm just telling ya, there is no provision for it in the constitution. he buys his own food.
look it up.
i'm right.
i didnt say he cooked. i said he bought the food.
keep in mind: O doesnt have an estate to keep up, and right now he's earning $10k/week. he's rich now, and living it up. there is a term for it that i learned from my midwest background, but its impolite to use it on your board.
email me, if you want it.
I doubt that even, Gino.
And the proper phrase for what you're saying, perfectly acceptable here, is "nouveau riche." You can see it anywhere with any ethnicity or race.
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