....that virtually nobody in their organization has ever, thank God, become a parent. How so?
They've written a letter to Ben & Jerry's advocating that the premium (and more than a bit loony) ice cream maker use human milk instead of cow's milk to make their product. Of course, anyone who has ever watched the wonder of a mother feeding her baby knows that it would take a little bit more than $4/gallon to get a woman to become a human Holstein.
Also proving that their vegan diets have damaged brain capacity, and that they are not parents, is this; PETA claims that cows are "forcibly impregnated" every nine months, and that all bulls born to dairy cows are used for veal. If any PETA nutcases are out there, reality is that a cow can give milk for up to six years without being bred again, a cow in heat actually tends to welcome the services of the bull, and I have personally purchased meat from a holstein steer.
Please, PETA types; put away the pleather, put on some comfortable (leather) shoes, and get some Vitamin B12 in your diet. I promise you; it will help your brain recover.
H/T a bunch of people.
I Heard It On The NARN
Adam Schwarze is running for the GOP nomination to run for US Senate. And
here’s today’s music list:
7 hours ago
True enough, but experience indicates that PETA's goofy proposals are not intended as serious suggestions, but rather as reductio sort of object lessons. As in, if you don't like the idea of using human milk to make ice cream, how can you countenance doing it to a poor cow?
Of course, the thing about bulls is pure ignorance. I'll give them the "forcibly impregnated" thing on the grounds that the cow might welcome the bull, but doesn't actually GET the bull itself. You're still right that it's inaccurate, but if there's a kernel of truth there, it lies in the fact that the impregnation is at the convenience of and through the agency of the farmer, not primarily the cow's own desires. Not that there's anything wrong with dominion -- the cow really doesn't care.
i prefer breast milk straight from the source, without all that sugar added.
and arent dairy cows artificially inseminated?
Yes, that's what I meant by not getting the bull itself.
Of course there are exceptions in small scale farming, but it's true enough as a generalization that dairy cows don't do things the old-fashioned way.
Not quite so sure; you look around Vermont or Wisconsin, and you still see a number of herd bulls on a lot of those dairy farms. "Milking bulls" is big business, but there are still a lot of guys (including my father in law) whose cows get it "fresh" instead of "frozen".
Side note; I even met a guy who was marketing a gadget called "estrus alert" to help ranchers know when to introduce either the bull or the vial to his stock.
And a complete reductio ad absurdum? Well, PETA's website yesterday claimed that PETA members would buy truckloads of "baby's breath" ice cream. Yes, they want to end dairy and meat, but apparently....
You're assuming they believe what they say about things like that, rather than just plain make it up. Why would you do that? I don't find any particular reason to believe that these people have a commitment to truth that is not subjugated to their ideology.
You would be right that when I read something from PETA, the idea that they're just pulling thoughts out of wherever does come to mind pretty readily....which would suggest the question 'what exactly DO they believe?'
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