I recently had the opportunity to discuss what the Bible says about homosexuality with a gentleman who appeared to be persuaded by arguments such as those of the "Metropolitan Community Church," a pro-homosexual (and decidedly heterodox) denomination. He emailed me and challenged me to provide a "single" verse that demonstrated that "same sex romantic love", in his words, was wrong.
Well, I gave him the "traditional" answers (references to Sodom and Gemorrah, Leviticus 18 and 20, Paul's warnings) as well as an argument from creation (the helpmeet is opposite sex) and God's use of marital sexuality as a picture for His love for His people. I reminded him of the basic fact that 2000 years of theology and Bible translation clearly demonstrate that Jews, Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and Protestants all agreed that homosexuality was a sin.
The response? More or less to flat out ignore Paul and make a false claim about the Hebrew word for "abomination." The hermeneutic of many, it seems, is to ignore two millenia of learning and insert one's own meaning into the Scriptures--thoroughly postmodern, I dare say. Pray for Brian and others like him, that their hearts might be made alive.
Podcast #1047: The Roman Caesars’ Guide to Ruling
The Roman caesars were the rulers of the Roman Empire, beginning in 27 BC
with Julius Caesar’s heir Augustus, from whom subsequent caesars took their
12 hours ago
Unfortunately, many have ears but do not here. They are blinded to the truth of God's Word. Sadly enough, it isn't "proof" they need that they're wrong, they need Christ.
This is very sad indeed and only God can open their ears so we must continue to pray for those that cannot hear; therefore, I will do so for Brian. Unfortunately, people interpret things like they do with modern arts, however the audience sees it is how it will be. We do this too as Christians and that is we tend to stay away from verses we do not like.
MercyNow and David, well said. Also, I personally hope to see some posts from y'all on what Mercy notes; that all of us do have some blind spots. Open my eyes.
Bike Bubba,
I can't find an email address, so I'll write you here. I want to make sure you get an invite to the MOB Summerpalooza, 9/9 at Keegan's.
Drop an RSVP at "northernallianceparty@hotmail.com" if you're interested.
Hope to see you there!
Mitch Berg
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