1. Obama's stated purpose of getting someone "with empathy" onto the Supreme Court, undermining the rule of law. Sorry, the Court is all about the law, not about empathy.
2. Sotomayor's stated view of the bench as a place for making policy--not its actual purpose of applying the law.
3. Sotomayor's belief that her race and sex make her a better judge of the law than others. (try that if you're a white male...um....DON'T!)
4. Sotomayor's 60% reversal rate in the Supreme Court (probably to become 67% when the case she ruled on regarding discrimination against white firefighters gets there).
5. Sotomayor's history as a Schumer nominee (Schumer forced Bush to accept his nominees to get Bush's through) and a Clinton nominee.
6. Sotomayor's position on the 2nd Amendment, directly contradicted by the Heller decision and the plain text of the 2nd Amendment.
Anyone out there have some more? Really, any one of these ought to derail her nomination, and #2 and #3 really ought to result in impeachment hearings, not a Supreme Court nomination.
Write your senators.
Podcast #1,060: No, There Isn’t a Loneliness Epidemic (And That May Be an
Even Bigger Problem)
Face-to-face socializing in America has declined by more than 20%
nationwide. Among some groups, like young adults and unmarried men, the
drop is closer ...
12 hours ago
forget all that stuff. it doesnt matter.
what really matters are the pesronal attacks that always derail a conservative nominee.
for once, i want to see the right offer up the blistering level personal attacks and demonization the left does.
i want her family, her children, her personal life scrutinised, and every embarassing detail magnified and made public.
I would hope that she could be defeated without being "Borked," though. Come on; La Raza membership, racist views, "judgment by empathy"--this isn't exactly something that ought to earn anything besides removal from a court, IMO.
i dont care about the intellectual idealogical stuff.
i want to know who she's slept with, how often... does she 'cross the street'.
has she ever seen long dong silver?
i want the stuff that really matters, and will prevent other liberal judges from putting their names forward, just like conservative judges are afraid to do. (and why its so hard to find a willing nominee).
this is war bubba.
all or nothin.
scorched earth...
diseased indian blankets...
the whole struggle.
Oh, Oh, I have one!
#7 Because she's Obama's choice!
That would be #1, no? :^)
And it turns out that #3 is not a one time incident. It's repeated.
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