One of the professors at Central Seminary gave a talk last night about Biblical geography (specifically the Shepelah hills west of the mountains), and gave some fascinating insight into Solomon's marriage to Pharaoh's daughter. Ever notice how he built her a palace away from the Temple, as she was a pagan? Dr. Beacham noted a real reason for the marriage; Pharaoh captured Gezer, along the strategic road to Joppa, for Solomon as a dowry for her.
In short, Solomon effectively posted a personals ad saying "wanted; woman with truck. Please send picture of truck." Pharaoh gave him the truck, and a nice one it was, too.
In "very sad" news, I believe it's mere days until my television will no longer receive broadcast TV programs. Not that I'll notice. I was thinking today that a great part of the lack of thinking might have a lot to do with our dependence on the idiot box. If you're wondering how to improve your thinking, turn it off for a while and see what happens. You just might be very surprised.
30 Ways to Use AI to Make Life Better and Easier
People might get the impression that I’m something of a Luddite. I don’t
use social media at all in my personal life and employ it only sparingly in
my p...
15 hours ago