Friday, April 20, 2007

One wonders what to say...

...about the tragedy this week in Virginia, and along comes someone who captures the idea pretty well, IMO. Yes, there are those who will tell us that with the proper, "professional" psychological screening and so on, we might have been able to prevent the tragedy, or something like that.

Reality is, though, that there are any number of tormented loners who are appalled at their richer classmates driving expensive cars, drinking to excess, and sleeping around. There are any number of people you'll find who are appalled at American culture, and using a psychological profile to find and "treat" them will achieve only one thing.

You'll empty the honors dorms of every college in the nation, and you'll empty research labs from coast to coast.

Dreher suggests a better way called "friendship." Paul told us that it's the most excellent way, and maybe we should try it.


Mercy Now said...

Good thoughts indeed. We look at Jesus and how he came and reached down to the lowly, the prostitutes, the beggars, the blind, all to which society doesn't consider them to be worthwhile and therefore doesn't give them a look. Yes, we can all be a lot less like the world and a lot more like Christ and if more of us do this then the world can actually become better.

Anonymous said...

I can't begin to understand the evil and demonic influences that affect people in such a multitude of different ways. I just read a brief story of a 50 year old Asian man who walked into the Long Beach City Hall and set himself on fire. No explanations were given in the story. He just torched himself in front of the information booth. The battleground is in our minds, and there are a lot of people in the world today who are losing the battle. It seems like things are getting worse; but, I imagine it's the same since Adam and Eve. "There is nothing new under the sun."

Anonymous said...

I can't begin to understand the evil and demonic influences that affect people in such a multitude of different ways. I just read a brief story of a 50 year old Asian man who walked into the Long Beach City Hall and set himself on fire. No explanations were given in the story. He just torched himself in front of the information booth. The battleground is in our minds, and there are a lot of people in the world today who are losing the battle. It seems like things are getting worse; but, I imagine it's the same since Adam and Eve. "There is nothing new under the sun."

Anonymous said...

I forgot to sign the previous comment:

regards from kingdavid