Saturday, January 20, 2024

Just wondering...

Apparently the Russian legislature, the Duma (say it in Yiddish, it fits), is considering a law to confiscate the property of anyone who discredits the Russian military.   Beyond the obvious point that the Ukrainian army might be cheerfully saying "Molon Labe" to the Russians, it strikes me that if you want to confiscate the property of someone who's discredited the Russian military or spread false information about it, I'd start with Vladimir Putin, Sergey Lavrov, Pravda-Moscow, Izvestia, and of course the entire general staff of the Russian Army.

OK, yes, that's probably not how such a law would be interpreted or enforced, but the fact remains that if you want someone who's discredited the Russian military, there are plenty of guilty parties now collecting paychecks from the Russian government.  Have at it.

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