Tuesday, January 23, 2024

And what can they do?

Mexican authorities are rejoicing over a court decision that claims that the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act" does not apply to guns which end up in foreign nations.  Now I'm not an expert on the PLCAA, but it does strike me that since all gun manufacturers must sell through FFL holders, regulated by the BATFE, responsibility for preventing those guns from getting into Mexico lies primarily with...

the federal government of the United States.  It is also unclear what gun makers can do, given that they really have no control over the training and dispositions of gun dealers, nor is it clear that gun dealers can spot someone who intends to resell the gun.  They could remove "scary looking guns" from their catalogs, but those are some of the most popular for purchase by U.S. buyers who have no intention of letting them leave the country.  

And not surprisingly, all three judges are Democratic appointees.  I'm looking for this one to be overturned on appeal and either an en banc review, or in the Supreme Court.  If you doubt that it matters who you vote for, read the decision.  It's appalling, right down to spelling errors.

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