Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Maybe it's growing on me

I've been one who's cheered against the Washington Redskins Football Team Corrupt Bureaucrats Swamp Critters "Commanders" for a while, but recently, the name is growing on me, as apparently President Biden's dog "Commander" has bitten a Secret Service agent for the 11th time. So apparently the DC Football Team is named after an aggressive dog, possibly along the lines of Old Yeller after the wolf bit him.

I can go with that.

Seriously, if I were President Biden, I'd ask myself exactly how much I wanted to tick off the Secret Service before I got rid of my dog.  We might joke that the only thing keeping Biden alive is the prospect of a President Harris.


Hearth said...

If my dog had bitten someone hard enough to require medical attention ELEVEN TIMES they'd make me put her down.

Can the Bidens not afford a dog trainer? Like, call Cesar Milan already. Or follow the law (though I'd hate to do that to a beautiful animal).

My big beautiful girl wouldn't get away with that. Maybe I should have her explain the way things work to Commander.

Bike Bubba said...

My thought is more along the lines of "when the agent's been bitten by the President's dog, does he hesitate before throwing himself between the President and an assailant?" I don't know the answer, but .....

Old solution to an aggressive dog is to send him to a farm to live out his life where his aggression doesn't cause problems. That, or the trainer, sounds like a good idea. I remember joking to my first dog "if you hurt my kids a little bit, I'll give you a beating you never forget. Hurt them much, I'll give you a beating you'll never remember." Never was an issue, thankfully.

Hearth said...

I just hope the secret service agents are very, very loyal to the office, not the man.