Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Trans rights, or Megan's Listers' opportunity

A judge in Wyoming recently ruled that a lawsuit against a sorority that had admitted a biological male could not proceed, and now it's coming out that....the male's Tinder account indicates he's interested in women, and he's accused of more or less being a peeping Tom.

I think these womens' best opportunity now is to resign their affiliation with the sorority with a continued warning that the admission of biological males does open the door to biological males....who have no interest in actually "transitioning", but want to be there for other purposes.  If I were the legal counsel for the sorority, I'd be raising **** about the matter for liability.  Yes, it's no fun when you're likely to get sued by people for "rejecting trans rights", but to put things in perspective, the portion of the population that is trans (1/300 by the highest estimates I've seen) is quite a bit less than the portion of males who are, or should be, on Megan's List (~1.7 million of 120 million adult males, or ~1:70).


Hearth said...

Is everyone getting the vibe that whoever is in charge of these things doesn't like women to be women?

Bike Bubba said...

I'm thinking at some level, the protesters at Oberlin aren't terribly keen on women being alive. Given the XX chromosomes that many of them have, call me puzzled.