Friday, August 04, 2023

That's a pretty high error rate

The linked article from National Review is a good summary of where the American Academy of Pediatrics is going regarding transgender care, and one of the kickers is that current rates of de-transition are 10-30%.  

Writing as a guy who's worked in statistics and quality for a quarter century, suffice it to say that if I had a process with that rate of Type 1/alpha error, we'd be having daily meetings to get the problem fixed.  And in this case, for those whose bodies have been damaged by hormones, puberty blockers, and surgery, there is no fix.

Doctors, remember that line from Hippocrates; "First, do no harm."  And legislatures, let's remove the statute of limitations for civil actions against those who hastily transition people.  It's a lifelong effect, so it should be a lifelong liability on the part of those doing the procedures.

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