Friday, April 21, 2023

Here's some hopeful news

Looks like the makers of Naxalone, a.k.a. Narcan, are aiming to get the over the counter 4mg version to a price point of $50.   Now the down side is certainly that some of the demand is going to be addicts who are using it as a failsafe--take your hit of fentanyl, repeatedly use Narcan to pull yourself from the Pearly Gates, rinse and repeat.  It strikes me that this kind of use--at $25-125 per hit--ironically gets the price of being an addict up to the levels it was at when I was a kid in the 1980s.

To me, it seems like trusting your ballistic vest so you can save a bit on your housing by living in Gary.  Maybe start to make some better life choices?

But for those of us who are not using, but might come into contact with those suffering from an overdose, it strikes me that it could be a good idea to carry some "just in case" in the way that many people carry first aid kits in their cars.


Hearth said...

I think it might be because of the adulteration - it's "take your hit of meth/ecstasy/off-brand oxy" and "why is this hitting like that" and not die.

But you could just not do street drugs, it's a concept.

Bike Bubba said...

Or perhaps on a more basic, level, start understanding why all these people are playing Russian Roulette with their lives by taking these drugs. I remember asking a doctor why so many people love opiods so much, but when I had it coming out of surgery, all I knew was that I didn't feel the pain.

Answer; when life sucks, opiods are great. Probably not a full answer, but a good place to start.

Hearth said...

The push here is to educate the HS kids that party drugs can be adulterated w/Fentanyl. In the past it's been harder drugs that get adulterated.

If you'd like to point a finger, it goes straight to China (and N.Korea) which is where they make F and off-brand opioids. (The meth is made in MX, adulterated here).