Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Murder for your 13th Amendment rights?

This article is an interesting take on the 13th Amendment;  more or less, that since an abortion ban would compel a woman to carry her baby to term, it amounts to involuntary servitude, and thus abortion must be allowed.  Lost in Judge Kollar-Kotelly's analysis is another little thing; does the state's requirement for parents to care for their children amount to slavery as well, and hence not just abortion, but homicide, is permissible for parents?

As much as parents might sometimes agree, I think our answer must be "no".  And shocker here; this judge is a Clinton appointee.  Folks, it does matter who you vote for, and if you vote for Democrats, this is the kind of thing you're supporting.

1 comment:

elspeth said...

I concur with your analysis. The whole idea is absurd on its face.

Democrat cult of death may eventually reach the point where one can get a lesser sentence for murdering kids to avoid slavery...