Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A bigger question

 This editorial notes that China must be made to pay for their leak of the coronavirus from WIV in Wuhan, and while I agree--let's start by not sponsoring research that could be used for bioweapons with the worst practicioner of genocide in history!--it strikes me that even more important question is why basic questions like this gained no traction at the CDC and NIH, let alone the media.  

After all, it's an obvious point that if an epidemic starts near a virology research center, that's a suspect, in the same way that it's an obvious point that 126nm particles tend to form aerosols, and in the same way that it's an obvious point that you don't do research that could be used for bioweapons with a government sponsored lab in a nation that's killed 65 million of their own people and is waving the sword against its neighbors.

I can see a few people missing this, but how is it that pretty much everybody outside a conservative "bubble" missed these issues?  That's something we ought to investigate.


Hearth said...

Because thousands of years of history can be erased by "but we're friends now"? -shakes head- Or just a really bad case of head-in-the-sand-itis.

China, where the gengineering is already started. China, where you can do a brain transfer. China, where convicts are farmed for organs. THAT China, we trusted with this stuff. China, that steals intellectual property as a daily practice.

So, what were we doing there that we can't do here, and why were we doing something so shady in the first place?

elspeth said...

Because, dear Hearth, our rulers are shady and have been for quite some time now. Some have argued that the corruption took root way back when the CIA allegedly facilitated the assassination of JFK. Not sure if I would go that far, LOL.

However, I absolutely believe that the sell out to China was underway in earnest under the Clintons, albeit as part of the corporate-ocracy and a "follow the money" type deal more than a political arrangement. What we have now is the inevitable manifestation of unintended consequences. These people really had no idea about who China is and what they are all about.

That, and a fair amount of hubris.