Thursday, December 29, 2022

Now this is funny

Apparently now exercise in an exercise in "white supremacy".   I guess somebody had better warn all those wonderful black athletes out there about this.  With this logic, Jesse Owens wasn't a hero who destroyed Adolf Hitler's attempts to portray Germans as a "master race", but rather someone working to further enshrine Jim Crow.  I'm guessing this would have come as something of a surprise to him, to put it mildly.

Really, one has to wonder whether progressives really believe the things they say, or whether they're really Klansmen in disguise trying to get black people killed by worsening an already horrific rate of cardiac disease and diabetes.  The more I see out of these guys, the more that second hypothesis makes sense.


elspeth said...

Exercise as "white supremacy" strains credulity. African marathoners? South American footballers? The list of peoples who engage in physical activity for reasons of sport and health are endless.

As a black woman, I have to say that I am slightly perturbed at using "white supremacy" as a way to excuse the fact that 80% of black women are overweight or obese.

Hearth said...

And to be fair, everything that the gov't came up with in the early 20th century can probably be connected to eugenic nonsense if you dig a bit. It was very popular. Maybe we can get over that and see what's useful and what's not?

Hearth said...



I am two-generations from farming stock in most of my family ... all those grandparents are mocking this. Hard.

Bike Bubba said...

I must confess that I was hoping to hear from Elspeth on this one! Dear sister, you did not disappoint!