Monday, December 05, 2022

Brilliance in rhetoric

Putin's New Stalin's cook, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has "warned" the U.S. not to designate his "Wagner Group" as a terrorist organization because, apparently, organizations designated as terrorist organizations sometimes act like terrorist organizations.  Yes, I'm sure that it wasn't the desire to attack the U.S., but rather the shame at being called what they were and are, that inspired Al Qaida to attack the Twin Towers.

In related Stalinist news, Russian troops are being sent into battle with "stylish" uniforms (some designed by Raisa Gorbacheva, a.k.a. Mrs. Mikhail Gorbachev) and gear that is leading to.....Russian soldiers dying of hypothermia.  Writing as a guy who's camped at -20F while hunting (starting the day at about 0F), let's just say that it's not a good sign that Russian uniforms are not working when the nighttime mercury is getting to 20F in Kharkiv.  They have apparently taken lessons from the Wehrmacht instead of Tolstoy.  

(for reference, one of the blankets I used while camping at -20F was a Soviet surplus blanket....I'm guessing some of those poor guys would love to have that about right now)

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