Wednesday, November 30, 2022

A bit of help with moral clarity

Pro-Russian outlets have made a great deal of how Vatnika Putina tries to appear to be a "Christian traditionalist", but if one looks below the hood, one can get a much better idea of what's really going on.  You've got Soviet Russian tanks flying the old flag of the USSR, erection of statues of Lenin, establishment of "People's Republics" in Donbas, laws criminalizing free speech, and now, Putina is praising Fidel Castro, all while he's invading a sovereign nation that , if conquered, would expend the realm of Soviet Russian influence closer to the 1989 borders.

As Barack Obama infamously (and wrongly) claimed in his 2012 debate with Mitt Romney, the 1980s are calling, and they want their foreign policy back.  Except in this case, Putina really is a modern day Brezhnev, but with the huge advantage of neighbors that have, to a degree, forgotten the Cold War.

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