Friday, March 18, 2022

Two pictures of the war

First, it appears that Putin's mistress and children have escaped to Switzerland.  I've even seen hints that some in Switzerland are campaigning to have them expelled, but reality is that that might be a mistake; she and her children are likely there on asylum, and this is the closest thing to a public breakup that she can manage.  After all, people who embarrass Mr. Putin have a disturbing habit of ending up dead.

Put differently, I don't think that the Swiss government issued their passports at Vlad's request.  There is something else going on here.

Also of interest is this picture of the results of Russian shelling (courtesy National Review) near Kharkiv.  Hopefully it doesn't disappear soon, but what it shows is primarily shell craters in a field and forest near a residential area.  

In other words, some Russian artillerymen aren't even aiming for targets.  What remains to be answered is whether they're firing indiscriminately, or whether they're deliberately aiming away from the targets they've been told to hit.  Since the Ukrainian army seems to be hitting their targets pretty well with about the same equipment (just 30 years older), it's almost certain that the Russians could be more accurate if they wanted to.

It's giving me some hope that Ukraine is going to pull this one out.  Keep praying that this one doesn't go nuclear, and that somebody with a conscience gets to Putin and takes him out.  And as always, 

Putin delenda est.

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