Friday, January 25, 2019

Yes, Senator Schumer, I've learned a lesson

In response to a three week agreement to re-open the government, Senator Schumer has stated that he hopes President Trump has "learned his lesson", as if he's some kind of benevolent schoolmarm guiding the public good.  Well, I don't know about the President, but I know some things about Chuck Schumer.  He's fine with:

  • 50,000 serious non-immigration crimes per year, including 2000 murders annually, committed by illegal immigrants.
  • A trillion dollars of welfare spending per year, much of it brought on by increased competition for low wage/unskilled jobs by illegal immigrants.
  • Half a trillion dollars in costs of illegal drugs, many of them moving across a porous southern border.
  • Spending the same amount of money for measures that can be ignored or circumvented instead of measures (like a wall) that work without human interference.
If you vote for Democrats, this is what you are voting for.   And if you do, maybe drop by some of the homes of the bereaved and tell them how good it was for them to have unfettered illegal immigration.  Say hi to the Steinle and Singh families for me, and let us know how it went.

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