columns like this one from Amitai Etzioni would result not only in the perpetrator of said writing losing tenure, but also would lose his doctorate, any other college level degrees, his high school diploma, his kindergarten graduation certificate, and his drivers' license. His idiocy?
To suggest that sensible people ought to not only disarm--an idea that any survivor of the Nazis like Etzioni ought to spurn--but also that they ought to make it public knowledge that they are defenseless.
Yeah, that'll keep the criminals of the world at bay. Maybe take the bars off your doors and windows if you live in a rough neighborhood while you're at it, too.
Facepalm/hat tip to Mitch at Shot in the Dark.
Podcast #1047: The Roman Caesars’ Guide to Ruling
The Roman caesars were the rulers of the Roman Empire, beginning in 27 BC
with Julius Caesar’s heir Augustus, from whom subsequent caesars took their
7 hours ago
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