Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Name the logical fallacy

Apparently, a high ranking Swedish government official is arguing that since children have the legal right to an education, therefore they must be educated in the government's schools.  I'm thinking "non sequitur" sums it up, and let the world know what too much lutefisk and aquavit apparently does to a woman's thinking.  It's not pretty, and sadly, freedom minded Swedes are going to be paying the price for the pathetic ignorance and/or bigotry of a Swede who apparently has never heard of Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, Columbia, Princeton, Punahou, and a host of private and parochial schools that make their government-funded counterparts look like the glorified penitentiaries they all too often are.

1 comment:

Gino said...

i agree. our govt is populated through the highest levels with people who hold degrees from harvard, yale et al, and you can see how well-, uh, never mind.