And not a pretty one, sad to say. One student in a class at Florida Atlantic University refuses to stomp on a piece of paper with the name "Jesus" on it. Now kudos to the student for refusing to do this, but are we to believe that there was only one student in a classroom at a university just south of the Bible Belt who grew up in church and ought to be repulsed at this idea?
For that matter, what of non-religious students and the administration? Should not they be pointing out that if your goal is to teach tolerance, stomping the name of a religious figure is a rather odd way of going about it?
So if Professor Poole is reading this, I've got a suggestion. Do the same thing with the name "Mohammed" or a few verses from the Qu'ran, and invite the press so you can tell the world exactly how this sort of nonsense helps "tolerance."
Or, don't, for obvious reasons.
Odds & Ends: February 21, 2025
In a Test of Adult Know-How, America Comes Up Short. A sobering new study
reveals that American workers are falling behind their international peers
in b...
1 day ago
or, a picture of President Obama.
That would get you a drone strike, wouldn't it? :^)
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