Thursday, June 25, 2009

Proof of Solzhenitsyn's point

In his famous address at Harvard in the late 1970s, Alesandr Solzhenitsyn raised a bit of trouble by suggesting that a nation with only law, and not morality, common sense, and the like, was in trouble.

This Supreme Court case--about a teenage girl strip searched to find evidence of Advil--proves his point in my opinion. Whatever the legalities, what kind of idiot thinks that Advil is a threat to schools?

Apparently, school administrators and lawyers, by taking this one all the way to the Supreme Court, are the idiots, and I would dare suggest that this is yet another reason to keep your kids out of the government's schools. Do you want them to think this kind of thing is appropriate?

H/T Northern Muckraker and others.


Pilgrim said...

Excellent point. "Zero tolerance" is exactly law without morality, common sense, and the like.

Gino said...

when my boy was in HS, playing football, i use to give him prescription strenght ibuprofin the days after a thurs nite game.

very obvious reasons, he needed some relief from bruised/sore muscles. 800mg works great for that.
i was called by the school one day, they saw my kid had pills, and i was warned he was absolutely not allowed to take anything at school that wasnt 'over the counter' without having a dr's note, and seeing the school nurse to take his meds.

no problem. i sent him with a bottle of over the counter, 200mg, ibuprofin. with the direction to take 4 at a time.

idiots, arent they?

Bike Bubba said...

Thanks, y'all; and if I read right, congratulations on the new baby, Pilgrim!

Pilgrim said...

You read well! Thank you!