It appears that the rare earths that President Trump wanted an "agreement" (extortion) for in Ukraine exist mostly in the pages of a Soviet era evaluation that really didn't examine extractability at reasonable cost (which makes sense, it was Communists after all), and four of the six deposits are actually in areas controlled by Russia, while the remaining two are perilously close to the war zone. Geologists who have been there note that there is no clear evidence that the deposits can actually be developed.
So the supposed basis for peace is, put gently, a chimera, technologically, and a likely albatross around Ukraine's neck. Chalk it up as yet another example of Trump acting in haste, whereupon the world will get to repent at leisure.
I pulled the lever for Trump because I felt that it was a less disastrous choice than Harris, and I stand by that, but the scales are a lot closer to balanced today than they were last November.