Thursday, May 16, 2024

Something which has always amused me... how radical Islamists, most of whom are of Arabic descent, choose to decry Jews as the "brothers of apes and pigs."  To which those who take Genesis 12:3 seriously might respond "Now remind me, precisely who was the brother of Isaac?".  Not quite sure why an Arab would make that argument, to put it mildly, as even the Qu'ran establishes this pretty clearly.

Also on the darkly amusing side, Gregg Jarrett of Fox News has noted, along with Bob Costello, that former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's testimony in the current criminal case contradicts his testimony at Trump's trial for falsifying business records.  One might infer that Cohen's testimony in both cases ought to be thrown out in toto, which is of course exactly what I'd suggest given Cohen's 2018 conviction for perjury.

Really, is this all that complicated?  We know that Cohen is a liar, so anyone thinking of building a case off his testimony can move on and do something productive instead.

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