Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Now this is interesting

Diplomats are aghast at the apparent fact that an Israeli "hit" on a place where terrorist leaders were said to be hiding ended up igniting at least a fuel tank, and maybe an ammunition depot.  Now given that refugees do not cook with diesel fuel or gasoline, and are not supposed to be combatants, why, pray tell, was there at least a large fuel tank in the vicinity?  It is also worth noting that a good portion of the injuries spoken of in the published reports are by shrapnel.  So unless the hit was by a couple of cluster bombs instead of small 17kg bombs, as the Israelis claim, we are looking at yet another war crime by Hamas that is getting a lot of their own people killed.

I do not know what you do with people who will do this to their own flesh and blood. 

Update: it turns out that the bombs used had 16-17kG of explosive, but were about 250 lbs overall, but recordings from the site do indicate that an ammunition dump was accidentally hit, decimating the refugee camp.  So once again, "distrust, verify, distrust some more" is the proper response to breathless Hamas reports from the region.

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