Tuesday, May 21, 2024

More on the Bragg/Trump/Merchan trial

Apparently one of the top experts on federal election law, a law upon which Alvin Bragg's prosecution persecution of former President Trump lies, was denied the opportunity to speak openly on the complexities of that law in the trial under the logic that only the judge gets to instruct the jury on the intricacies of the law.  This is, in my view, one of the chief weaknesses of our current trial system; if a judge decides to "neglect" to explain the law accurately, as is exactly the allegation against Merchan, then the judge can swing a verdict in favor of one party or the other.  If lawyers and expert witnesses are not allowed to comment on the law, one also must wonder precisely why defendants are afforded the right to representation.

Suffice it to say that the more I see, the more I realize that "Judge" Merchan and Alvin Bragg's entire team need to be disbarred.  Again, I'm not a huge fan if President Trump, but they're gleefully railroading a man when Bragg's predecessor, the FEC, and the DOJ all declined to prosecute.  That should mean something.

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