Thursday, December 14, 2023

Somehow it reminds me of Anne Frank

Harvard University has apparently asked campus rabbis to hide their menorahs to avoid embarrassment if on-campus supporters of Hamas Nazis should decide to destroy them.  Pro tip for the geniuses on the Charles River; if Jews on campus are forced to act like Anne Frank's family, you're doing it wrong.

Side note is that I'm not hearing reports of things like this in states like Texas and Florida.  Wonder why that is.

Two Updates: First, it appears that two Ivy League college presidents who were not able to figure out that the mass murder and gang rape of innocents was wrong....did so with the guidance of an elite law firm.  In other hilarious (and sad) news, the head of the NAA(L)CP, Derrick Johnson, is arguing that it is somehow "racist" to hold Hahvid President Gay to account for her plagiarism and anti-Semitic comments.

Honestly, it boggles the mind how supposedly "educated" and "elite" people have so much trouble figuring out that whether gang rape and murder of innocents is wrong is not a matter of "context".  If they don't clue in, they will hopefully learn the hard way that whether the taxpayer funds their institutions is put into the "context" of tolerating vile anti-Semitic slurs at their institutions.

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