Friday, December 15, 2023

More brilliance from Washington

President Biden is going to require federal workers to travel via rail and electric vehicles, which leaves me sort of torn.  I'm bummed because it means he's going to unilaterally increase the cost of government and our taxes, but on the bright side, maybe it means the government won't be able to do as much.

Seriously, what he's really said is to rent electrics only when they are cost competitive, which means of course "never".  A seemingly bright spot, however, is that it appears that they'll be required to use rail for trips of less than 250 miles.  Since most of the country is nowhere near an Amtrak line, does that mean that people won't have to hear the nine more terrifying words in the English language:

I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.

Natch, I'm guessing that there's a way around that one, too.  So congratulations to President Biden on yet another meaningless executive order that will do nothing to help the environment or improve how goverment works.

And I need to say it; we miss you, Ronald Reagan.

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