Thursday, November 16, 2017

On the lack of touch

Helen Smith links a great piece about how our current horror of being accused of sexual impropriety, probably along with the nation's dismal marriage rate, is leading more and more men (and all of us) to be brutally isolated from physical touch.  Along these lines, it reminds me how encouraged I was when my daughter came back from a short term mission trip to Spain, and she and the other high school girls had decided they'd greet each other in the Spanish way--with a kiss, just like the New Testament describes no less than five times. 

Most of us probably wouldn't be comfortable going that far, but there's a tremendous amount of good to be had from simple touch. 


Hearth said...

YES. This. Do you remember when we were in HS and you'd see girls holding hands all-the-time? I know you guys didn't get to do that, but a certain amount of hitting and wrestling was expected.

In similar news, no one can hug anyone at my younger child's school. -screams-

Bike Bubba said...

:^) I remember it creeping me out when the hoopsters patted each other on the tuckus after a good play. And even more after I, uncharacteristically, made a decent play in gym class and was so commended. If he ever runs for elected office....just kidding.

I also remember getting a monster hug from a cross country teammate when I beat another kid for the first time. So it happened, just not the same as with the ladies.