Wednesday, November 29, 2023

A bit of math of interest

I've posted before about how I'm pretty sure that Planned Infanticide and other abortion providers can't possibly pay the bills with abortion,  but just out of curiosity, I took a look at what Planned Infanticide's total revenue was in 2022, which was about $1.3 billion, approximately half of which came from goverment sources, and a good portion of the rest was "charitable" donations.

For comparison's sake, in 2020, Planned Parenthood performed about 345000 abortions, as well as about a million other procedures like breast exams and pap smears.  Now Planned Parenthood itself notes that the actual cost of their other visits is $115-135, so we can assume that something like $150 million to $200 million of the total is the actual cost of their other services.

Which means that the cost of abortions committed by Planned Infanticide is about $1.05 billion divided by those 345,000 abortions, or about $3000 per abortion.  Now part of this is overhead--they've become rather infamous in many circles as their old strip mall/storefront clinics are replaced by rather palatial abortion centers--but it does point out here that abortion is not quite the "low cost option" that "helps the poor" in the way that abortion advocates would like to claim.

Rather, it's a practice that can only continue with massive subsidies, so if we end those subsidies, abortion will end in most places.  

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