Thursday, November 10, 2022

Well, that's interesting....

Apparently in New Hampshire, a young transgender man who's got to be pushing 300lbs  has won a beauty pageant.  Even apart from the propriety of young men participating in beauty pageants for women, didn't beauty pageants used to be  Unless there is huge demand out there for what will soon resemble "drag" shows, I'm guessing this pageant is going to destroy its own clientele.

(side note; I am one who is not terribly impressed by the body types favored for most beauty pageants, and would agree that more realistic body types ought to be represented....but that said, more realistic body types for a woman ought to be respresented, ahem)


Hearth said...

Beauty and femininity are in the crosshairs. Beauty qua Beauty - like cathedrals and moonlit lakes. Young women (which I am not) are intrinsically beautiful. So they must lose.

Bike Bubba said...

The newspaper of record, the Babylon Bee, notes that the contest was given to him when it included a pie eating contest and caber toss as part of the pageant.

Hearth said...

l think we should enter some of the crossfit girls from the extras in Wonder Woman in that pageant... seems more equitable than letting him have all the fun. ;)

Bike Bubba said...

Ha! (had to look that one up, since for whatever reason, I never bothered with that movie....)