Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Paging speechwriters in Moscow....

General Sergey Surovikin argues that Russia's goal is a friendly Ukraine that is independent of the west, and that the Russian method is to "protect each soldier and methodically grind the opposing army."

In other words, Russia will methodically kill and maim as many Ukrainians as possible, and somehow they think that the Ukrainians that survive that are going to love them for that, as well as for taking 20% 18% whatever they can get of Ukraine, including the main industrial heartland of the country.

Honestly, what color is the sun on these peoples' planet?  Are there no people who will tell them "This is not exactly what Dale Carnegie was recommending for making friends and influencing people!" ?  

Putin delenda est!

Update: Gen. Surovikin looks a LOT like King Kong Bundy!

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