Sunday, March 20, 2022

Oy, weh!

Fox is reporting that Russia is sending military academy cadets to fight in Ukraine.  OK, probably makes good press in Moscow, but it's worth noting that this is what Germany did in WWI when the Schlieffen Plan (their offensive plan in 1914) ran into the Black Watch Infantry, the famous "Ladies from Hell" (named so by the Germans because of their kilts).

End result was not good for the German corps of cadets, and was even worse for Germany and for the world as a whole.  You see, as the corps of cadets was virtually annihilated, so were the future intellectuals of Germany--the ones that would have, had some of them lived, been able to speak forcibly against a certain corporal who'd grown up in Austria.

Long and short of it is that Putin is not in a position of strength, because men in a position of strength do not eat their seed corn for the future.   For the sake of Ukraine, Russia, and the world, pray that Ukraine manages to put Putin in the same position as General Samsonov in the battle of Tannenberg, and of course, as usual, 

Putin delenda est! 

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