Wednesday, March 23, 2022

And the purge begins?

Not only are his mistress and (?) children in Switzerland (my guess; hiding from him), but he's had his green energy spokesman quit and flee the country, and his minister of defense, among others, appears to be missing.  In related news, apparently the reason five Russian generals have been killed is because for whatever reason, communication with front line troops is tenuous, and hence the generals need to make an appearance.  In a nutshell, Russian coordination and  are on a par where Alexander Samsonov and Paul von Rennenkampf could say "Da, I've been there."

(these Russian generals were victimized by a lack of couriers and codes and suffered horrific defeats because battle plans were broadcast in straight AM, and Paul von Hindenburg just happened to have a few officers on staff who knew Russian)

Pray for Russia, because indications are that the wheels are coming off leadership, and this could lead to horrific results for Russia and the world.  Again, pray that God would take out Putin and his inner circle soon.

Putin delenda est.

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