Friday, July 02, 2021

News from Congress

They've goted to remove a bunch of statues of racists.  Not coincidentally, all of those racists were....Democrats.  Kinda reminds me of how our current President once reminded voters that his native Delaware was a slave state. 

Just sayin'.  

In other news, and sad news IMO, a U.S. athlete has been suspended for a month, ending her Olympic dream in the 100 meters, for using marijuana.  Now I'm not a fan of getting stoned, but precisely what advantage would be conferred by use of marijuana?   She gets the munchies and gains ten pounds, and that helps her?  

Moreover, given that she was mourning the death of her mother (a way too early death, given that Ms. Richardson is only 21), this comes close to the exception Proverbs 31 charts for intoxication--"give strong drink to those who are perishing....let him drink and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more."

Let's restrict the list of prohibited drugs to those which actually enhance performance, or where the use of these drugs would actually endanger athletes, OK?  My best wishes to Sha'Carri for consolation in her loss, and many more brilliant years of running.

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