Friday, April 12, 2019

Why black rifles matter

It's been interesting seeing the Democrats, especially Rep. Swalwell, arguing for a complete ban on large magazine semi-automatic firearms because of their killing capacity.  Why so?

Well, at the same time, this is what I see:

  • The left is all but endorsing infanticide
  • Significant portions of the left are endorsing euthanasia.
  • Disagreement is greeted with shunning and even an endorsement of some form of re-education
  • At least a fringe of the Democratic Party is endorsing Communism--e.g. Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez, etc..
  • Swalwell all but endorsed nuclear war against the U.S. population if they didn't give up their guns.  He walked it back, but sometimes you trust the first thing he says.
Now given the heritage of things like this--those who remember the history of the 20th century might come up with some examples of how policies like these went wrong--one would hope that they might understand precisely why conservatives are loath to give up legally owned firearms. 

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