Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Another reason I'll never be President....

....unless God wills it, of course.  At any rate, here's the scoop; evidently White House spokesman Jay Carney was rather nailed to the wall for the low percentage of women in the Secret Service--evidently it's 11%.  Now Carney dodged the question rather artfully, but I'm thinking if I were him--or in the position of his boss--I'd have acknowledged the possibility that, yes, the presence of women on that team might have cooled things down a bit, but the ugly reality is that when defending the President, you want the biggest, strongest guys out there whose bullet-proof-vest-clad bodies will come between assailants and the President.

And I'd add that if I had my way, we'd apply the same logic to the Army, Navy, and Marines.  When lives are at stake, gender politics can take a hike.  Which is why I'll most likely never live at that famous address in the District of Columbia.

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